Learn 关于 How We Engineer Engineers


Our commitment is to prepare students to succeed. In both their academic goals and their professional engineering endeavors. New challenges in need of complex solutions arise every day. Become a Changemaker and learn how we engineer greatness! The EAET Department offers a variety of minors and certificates to students of all majors. No math background is required.


Our Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering Technology 项目 (CET, EET, MET) are 支持认证 allowing graduates to go on to become Professional Engineers (PE). Our Computer and Environmental Engineering 项目 (CPE, EVE) are also 支持认证. To learn more about the programs we offer, click on any of the titles below.

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Innovative students at 密歇根州立大学丹佛 aid in research efforts related to the upcoming Artemis Lunar Mission.

Career driven man leading team

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Contact the Department office

办公地点:AES 300


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Shipping Address: 1201 5th St., AES 300科罗拉多州丹佛80204

帐单地址:P.O. Box 173362, Campus Box 29科罗拉多州丹佛80204